
In life, we often find ourselves amidst a dilemma. Be it a situation or a question, it is very common to not have a one word - yes or no - answer. When a doctor diagnoses a patient, there are plenty of questions that are asked, answers to which are not one word. A question as simple as "Do you feel hungry?" cannot, in many cases, be answered in yes or no. It is not easy for an answer to be black or white, while there exists fifty different shades of grey in between.

While some might think of the colour grey as dull, others might argue that it is a colour that lets out the vibrant colour in you. Wearing a dull-coloured t-shirt could help boost your confidence, for then you are not dependent on your attire to make you look attractive. 

In human's recent history of managing finances, there are plenty of theories that have been proven to work better than the others. Each global dip in economy brings out better, improvised techniques. Each story describing what would have happened if this was done x years ago? tries to prove how one narrative may work better than the other. While one may never be able to pin point one theory as perfect - for a black maybe someone's white and a white someone's black - there exists plenty of grey theories in the market, which seem to work for the masses.

Today, amidst the sad state of world hunger, there also exists a class of people around the globe who associate themselves with variety of food. This section of people includes the youth, who for all we know, love exploring different cafes, bars and restaurants. Similar to financial strategies, there would be few food joints that all will love and few that all would hate, but a major section of spots  - the huge grey segment - would satisfy a large chunk of the concerned population.

While in areas where there is a choice, existence of grey can be attributed to likes and dislikes, however, there are certain other factors too. One important factor is the person you are surveying. A person with a modest and adjusting personality would never call a food joint as horrible, for the person would take into account that it is an outcome of someone's efforts and also that food is about choice and someone may prefer it the way it is. For this person, it would be very mean to call the restaurant bad and they would instead adjust with "It did not match my tastebuds!"

This word, grey - which as kids we could only associate with a colour - has different meanings to people from diverse backgrounds. On being asked what the word reminds them of, the answers I got from few of my friends were varied. While a couple of them could relate it to hair - throwing light on how matured they are, another thought of clouds - reflecting how the person always aims high. The beautiful combination that grey makes with red was a reminder for another.

However, one answer that captured my attention was - mood. On being asked to elaborate, they sighed that it was very difficult to explain. "It is like the world is black and white right now and life is mostly pointless" - came the answer. More importantly, they also added that it is not dull - because dull would be boring and grey definitely is not boring - but it is not colourful either. They further expressed how one would look at something colourful and then not look at it - the later making them feel black and white or maybe grey.

While grey is a mood, it showcases old. It reflects maturity. It is a colour often not remembered in the list of vibrant colours but is probably the most accurate reflection of most of our lives. It helps us opt for a choice while not making a choice. It makes us feel confident by being dull in itself. It is neither black nor white. While it may not be colourful, it has plenty of shades - just like life.
